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Monday 23 August 2010

Currying Favour

Thank you to the members of the 'G4G' House-Group at Horringer Court Community Church Bury St Edmunds who donated over £100 from a curry evening to raise money for the House of Joshua.

It all started when one of the group members got a whiff of a curry cooked by TCRCT Trustee, Andy Conroy and said ' That smells delicious, I'd pay money for that!'

Before you could say 'Madhur Jaffrey' a group social event was organised and 14 diners were treated to 5 different curry dishes and all the usual accompaniments.

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Sunday 15 August 2010

Congrats and Thanks

Guests pin money to the dancing newly weds

Congratulations and a huge vote of thanks to John and Sarah Lloyd, married on Saturday 31st July.

Instead of having gifts at their wedding John and Sarah asked their guests to contribute to our House of Joshua fund-raising appeal through a 'money dance (A Filipino tradition where guests pin money to the bride and groom during their first dance).

With Gift Aid tax rebates over £1500 was raised to take the building program forward. Thank you to everyone, and especially the newly weds, for their incredible generosity.
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